A full redirect method can be used to send participants from your survey or platform to our emotion measurement tests, and back again.
Have Your Test Link Created
The first step to running a redirct study is to have a test link created for you. All of our test URLs take this form https://collect.realeyesit.com/XXXXXX where XXXXXX is replaced with a unique study specific hash. To have your test link created, login to your dashboard account and upload your video(s) to our Media Library. From there, reach out to our team and indicate the name of the video in the media library and any other test requirements. We will then create the test link and send it back to you.
Pass Unique Participant IDs
When redirecting participants to the test URL, a unique participant ID will need to be attached and passed as a URL variable called 'CustomParticipantID'. Find the instructions for passing unique participant IDs here.
Redirect Participants Back After Emotions Measured
Once participants either complete or fail to complete the emotion measurement test, they will be redirected back to your platform. Between 1 and 3 redirect URLs can be used to reflect the 3 potential participants flows in an emotion measurement test. These are Complete, Failed, & Declined, and the URLs can be edited directly via our Dashboard.
- Visit: https://delivery.realeyesit.com/Collections/Index
- This page will show all the Collections associated with your user account.
- Select the Collection of interest by clicking on the corresponding ‘Edit’ button on the right hand side.
- The edit page will open, allowing you to input or edit various aspects of the study, such as the redirect URLs.
- Once finished, click the ‘Save’ button in the lower left hand corner.
As mentioned, we can accept up to 3 redirects, based on the 3 participant end states: Complete, Failed & Declined.
- Complete: This refers to a participant who fully completed the test. They granted access to their webcam, watched all of the test media, and finally had their results saved to the our servers.
- Failed: This refers to a participant who failed to complete the test. This is likely down to a hardware or software issue, such as not having a webcam, or an old and incompatible browser.
- Declined: This refers to a participant who declined to take the test. They either did not grant access to their webcam, or they quit the test before it had finished.
In terms of redirects, this functionality is useful for monitoring the participant's end states and retention rates. For instance, if a higher than average number of participants are declining to take the test, then it might be wise to change the language of the invitation or of the page that proceeds the emotion measurement test in the survey.
Passing URL Variables
There is an instructional panel on the right hand side of the Collection’s ‘Edit’ page the explains which Realeyes variables are available to pass back as well as how to do so via the redirects. It is also possible to send and have passed back any other variables, or to pass back static variables.
However, any variables sent to us beyond CustomParticipantID will NOT be recorded permanently. They are stored temporarily and deleted once the participant’s session has terminated. Therefore we can accept and pass back any number of URL variables, but CustomParticipantID is the only variable that we store permanently.
Imagine that the following URL variables were required:
- CustomParticipantID
- Survey Platform ID (SPI)
- State (1 – 3 depending on whether they completed, failed or declined the test)
To have the 3 above mentioned variables passed back, the redirects will need to be as follows:
- Complete: http://survey.com?ID={CustomParticipantID}&SPI={SPI}&State=1
- Failed: http://survey.com?ID={CustomParticipantID}&SPI={SPI}&State=2
- Declined: http://survey.com?ID={CustomParticipantID}&SPI={SPI}&State=3
The variables could have any name. The ID, SPI and State variables in the above three URLs are simply examples. However there are a few points to remember:
- All variables are case sensitive when being referenced within {curly brackets}.
- The Realeyes variable CustomParticipantID must be named ‘CustomParticipantID’ in the collection URL that the participants come to the Realeyes test with.
Any additional variables that need to pass and be passed back must be identically named when sent and referenced. So if the collection URL has the variable ‘SPI’, then to reference that in the redirect it must be ‘variableName={SPI}’. Using ‘variableName={spi}’ will not work.
Before launching your study, be sure to run a couple tests to ensure the redirects are working correctly and any URL variables are being passed. Once you have tested, reach out to us for confirmation that we have collected the correct testcustomparticipantid value(s).
If all testing is successful, you are ready to launch! Be sure to send a quick note to us just before launching so we can remove any test sessions and set the test to 'Live'.