What is required in order to upload our survey data to the dashboard?

For redirect studies, should you want your demographic or survey data to be displayed on the dashboard, we will need you to send us a data file that includes all participant ids and any associated data. This way we can easily match the survey data you have collected with the recorded emotions data. The following protocol outlines best practices when sending a survey data file in order to ensure smooth upload:

  • The file must be saved in .CSV format
  • The file must contain a column for the Custom Participant IDs
  • The file should contain columns for age and gender (whenever possible) for comparison to our demographic norms
  • Our platform uses numerical values to translate data. If possible, please use number responses only in the data file and send a key indicating what the numbers in each column represent and how they should be labelled on the dashboard (see attached example)
  • Any survey question columns that are left blank for certain IDs will be labelled as “unknowns” on the dashboard

Please see the attached example of a standard survey data file.

If you have any other questions, please reach out to support@realeyesit.com.

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