How do I recreate dashboard charts using Excel?

It is possible to customize the dashboard charts in your own style by recreating them in Excel. To do this, you will simply need to use our export 'Chart Data' function to export the raw data.

The exported data will match exactly what is displayed on the dashboard chart at the time of export. Because of this, you will need to make sure all of the correct filters are selected before exporting.  For instance, if you would like to recreate the chart for 'Happy', you will need to make sure ‘Happy’ is selected under the emotions filter. 



One thing to be aware of is that the exported data is smoothed to a certain extent. You can change the smoothing level under the ‘Chart views’ tab – whichever level is selected will be applied in the export. You can learn more about smoothing here

The data export will include a single column for each line that was displayed on the dashboard at the time of export. The exported data shows the % of people showing the selected emotion(s) at each second (the Y axis). The final step before using the Excel chart function is to add in a single column for the duration of the video(s) in seconds (the X axis).

Attached below is an example of how you can use the data exports to recreate the charts from the Dashboard. The file includes the Happy, Engagement, and Negative traces for an ad combined in a single chart for direct comparison. 


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