How to find the number of videos and views included in the norms

Most videos that Realeyes tests are included in our norms set for use in metric comparisons. 

However when you see a norm displayed on one of our results pages it will have had some level of filtering applied to it by default in order to make it more relevant to the media it's being compared against. For instance by default, norms are filtered by duration of the media, meaning that your 30 second ad will be compared against ads of a similar duration. 

Furthermore you are able to adjust the norms filters yourself if you wish to compare your ad(s) to a bespoke norm of your creation. 

Therefore it's useful to know exactly how many ads/videos and views your dealing with for a particular norm, the guide below will explain how to achieve this. 

Norms are available on the Charts page.

Charts Page



The above picture displays the three main Norms components: 

  1. The Norms Filters
    • This section allows you to adjust which filters are applied to the norms. 
      • 'Any' = No filtering applied
      • 'Auto' = Default filtering applied
      • Anything other than 'Any' or 'Auto' = a specifically selected choice by the user for that filter
  2. The Norms Filters Selection
    • This drop-down menu allows you to select additional filters to use, which will appear in the Norms Filter. 
  3. The Benchmark Information
    • This information pane provides details of exactly which filters are applied to the specific benchmark you are looking at, as well as the resulting number of videos and views that comprise the benchmark. 


The 'Benchmark Information' is the key part here. It summarises how the Benchmark you're looking at has been filtered and displays the number of videos and views that have gone into it. 


As you can see, each potential filter (whether selected to display in the 'Norms Filter' section or not) is listed along with what it has been set to. The number of videos and the number of views is listed at the bottom of this box. 

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