This API version Release Candidate sees the WebRTC replace Flash as the default recording platform for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.
Important highlights from Release
- WebRTC becomes default recorder for Chrome and Firefox, resulting in slightly different UX for respondents
- 2 user scenarios added - Auto-Deny, and Auto-Allow
- New API keys for additional screens in Chrome and Firefox
- Extended documentation to cover the implementation of the Realeyes API in a Frameset environment
- Extension of the Environment Checker API to include an Environment Detector that reports details of environment in order to give more advanced survey routing options
- Default localisations for all 30 supported languages
Known issues
- WD-1897 – Media loading progress isn’t displayed correctly
- WD-1895 - Re-allow screen's Deny button does nothing with Opera browser
- WD-1855 - Quality check screen's layout is broken (Flash based recording, IE 11)
- WD-1894 - Environment check fails with Integration API if Flash is disabled
- WD-1882 – API doesn't work on Mac OS 10.9.5
- WD-1842 - Validation of empty stream (when camera is busy) doesn't work
- WD-1839 - if flow was terminated on IE browser (flash recording) webcam stays in use
- WD-1841 - FF detects webcam as denied if it busy with another app
- WD-1872 - Cannot cycle through the available webcams using IE or Edge
- WD-1838 – IE7, IE8 - Not supported browsers just see blank page instead proper message
- WD-1900 – Documentation of Environment Checker 2.0 should be updated
Upcoming Milestones
- Tuesday 8th November – Deploy of Release Candidate 2 (RC2)
- If required: Tuesday 15th November – Deploy of Release Candidate 3 (RC3)
- If required: Tuesday 22nd November – Deploy of Release Candidate 4 (RC4)