Using the Dashboard Charts

The Charts page of our Dashboard provides users with a second-by-second overview of how people felt as they watched their video. This data can be segmented by each individual emotion as well as by any given demographic, enabling users to compare and contrast audience reactions. 

To open the Charts page, click on the thumbnail of the video you're after. A search function is available in the top right corner in case your video isn't amongst the most recently tested. 



The Charts display 'Max Attention' as the default setting. You can select or deselect each emotion using the filter on the left hand side. The filter allows you to select multiple metrics at the same time, so you can compare different emotions. 


The X-axis of the chart shows the time sequence of the video, while the Y-axis shows the percentage of people displaying the selected emotion(s). Watch the video by pressing the play button, and follow the pointer as it moves along the trend-line to see the percentage of people expressing the selected emotion(s) at any given second, as below.


To directly compare multiple videos within the same study, click 'Select Media' on the top left. Once the videos are selected, a 'Media' filter will display on the left hand side. You can then select 'Compare' to chart multiple videos' trend-lines at once.


The demographic filters can be used in the same way to compare the trend-lines of different segments. For instance, use the 'Gender' filter to compare Male and Female emotional responses. You can also isolate segments for individual analysis. If you asked any survey questions during your test, these will also display as filters you can use for additional comparison.  


The information below the chart shows the name of the selected segment, followed by the number of high quality recordings, or 'Views', included in that segment. The default metric displayed underneath the chart for each selected emotion is '% of people'. To change this, use the 'Metrics' filter on the left hand side. The options are:

  • % of people: the % of people who showed that specific emotion at any point during the video.
  • Average: the average % of people showing the emotion per second, across the course of the video.
  • Max: the highest % of people showing that emotion in any single second. The ‘peak’.
  • Attention Volume: The average volume of attention respondents paid to the content.
  • Attention Quality: The proportion of the video which respondents managed to keep continuously attentive for, on average. 

Whichever metric you choose, that will be the number in black. The number in lighter grey is the norm value for your metric. To find out more about our norms, read our guide.

To change the format of the chart, select the 'Chart views' tab, top right. You'll find various options to customize your chart:  

  • Trend-line Colours (Metrics Automatic Colour, Metrics as Spectrum, and Metrics as Hues)
  • Chart type (Area, Bar, Line, and Scatter)
  • Chart style (Stack, Stream, Pct, and Value)
  • Smoothing level
  • Scale of the Y-axis



If you want to customize your charts even further, you can export the raw data to create your own. Available exports include:

  • Chart Data: CSV file including the data for the selected filters. 
  • Chart Image: PNG image file of the chart.
  • Summary Data: CSV file including the norm details.
  • Summary Image: PNG image file of the data below the chart.
  • Segments Over Time: CSV file of all emotions for all segments per second.
  • Segments Aggregated: CSV file of all emotions for all segments aggregated for all seconds. 
  • Norms Media List: CSV file with Media Id, Name, Account, Tags, Market, Duration, Brand, Attention Volume Avg, Attention Quality, RE Score (RE Interest, RE Engagement, RE Impact)*, Number Views.


For any additional questions about the Charts, have a look at the Dashboard - Charts FAQ section, or get in touch.

* where available 



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