Yes, we have tested almost 29,000 videos, which provides statically relevant reads across over a million views in our database – and these numbers are growing every day. Alongside our viewers’ emotions, we also have additional metadata on the videos themselves, and the people watching them - this additional information is key to building our norms.
Our norms are available in many dimensions. The full list is available here. If there is a norm of interest that is not currently available, get in touch as we are often able to add categories by request.
It is also possible to leverage our unique and versatile database to create norms within several different dimensions, gathering valuable insights which might not otherwise be immediately evident.
It's where our norms really come into their own - their quality and their functionality. Clients can now split billions of data points in a fraction of a second, tagging their own data and filtering it as they need for the most customisable emotional benchmarks in the world.
Visit our guide to Creating Custom Norms for a full run-through of the possibilities.